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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

दलित जागरण का उठता ज्वार

दलित जागरण का उठता ज्वार

तरुण विजय
19 अगस्त, प्रभात खबर
अभिमान पर जरा सी चोट लगी थी तो महाभारत हो गया था- द्रौपदी इसकी साक्षी है. एक बार गोली खाना सहन हो सकता है, लेकिन तिरस्कार नहीं. हैदराबाद विमान तल पर राजीव गांधी ने तत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री टी अंजैया का जो अपमान किया, उसके बाद कांग्रेस का तख्तापलट हो गया था. जनता ने माफ नहीं किया. 
अनुसूचित जातियां तो सदियों से यह अपमान झेलती आ रही हैं. जिन्हें अपनी जाति के बड़ा होने का अहंकार है, उन्हें इन दलितों की चरण-रज अपने माथे से लगानी चाहिए कि उन्होंने अपमान सहा पर धर्म नहीं त्यागा. प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने हैदराबाद में दलित-दर्द पर जो भावनात्मक टिप्पणी की, उसका बड़ा महत्व है. 
वह फटकार थी उन कथित सवर्णों को, जो दलितों को मनुष्य से कमतर एवं प्रताड़ना योग्य मान कर चलते हैं. समता एवं समदृष्टि के लिए अनेक आंदोलनों तथा महापुरुषों के कठोर शब्द-प्रहारों के बावजूद पंडितों, साधु-संन्यासियों और राजनेताओं ने अपने ही हिंदू धर्म के अविभाज्य अंग दलितों के प्रति समाज में समानता लाने का कोई गंभीर प्रयास नहीं किया. मातृभूमि की रक्षा में सर्वोच्च बलिदान देनेवाले दलित की चिता से भी भेदभाव करने में ये 'सवर्ण देशभक्त' चूके नहीं. 
इस परिदृश्य में जब अनेक घटनाओं के एकजुट प्रभाव से एक सार्वदेशिक दलित पुनर्जागरण का वातावरण दिखता है, प्रधानमंत्री मोदी ने गोरक्षा के नाम पर गुंडागर्दी और दलितों पर उत्तराखंड, उत्तर प्रदेश से लेकर गुजरात और कर्नाटक हो रहे प्रहारों की करारी प्रताड़ना की है. 
सार यह है कि दलितों पर जो प्रहार हो रहे हैं, वे प्रहार प्रधानमंत्री पर हो रहे हैं- इन आघात करनेवालों को क्षमा नहीं किया जायेगा. ये लोग अपने अहंकार और मूर्खतापूर्ण आवेश के कारण हिंदू समाज को ही भीतर से कमजोर कर रहे हैं. इतना ही नहीं, इसमें इसलामी और वामपंथी दखल शुरू होने से मामला और पेचीदा बनता गया है. दलित समस्या हिंदुओं की आंतरिक नासमझी की समस्या है- इसे इसलामी सहानुभूति की जरूरत नहीं. 
वे लोग अपने वे लोग अपनी सामाजिक दुर्बलताओं को दूर करने का साहस पहले दिखाएं. कुछ दिन पहले फिल्म अभिनेता इरफान खान ने तनिक इसलामी सुधार की बात क्या कह दी कि मुसलमानों ने उस बेचारे का जीना दूभर कर दिया. मुसलिम कट्टरपंथी और वामपंथी अपनी राजनीति के लिए दलित-विषय का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं, लेकिन न तो समस्या का समाधान करने की क्षमता रखते हैं, न ही ऐसी उनकी नीयत है. 
समाधान तो केवल हिंदू ही कर सकते हैं. उन्हें स्वयं से पूछना होगा कि कुछ जातियों को बड़ा और कुछ को छोटा वे किस अधिकार से कहते हैं? उनके पंडितों और साधु-संन्यासियों का व्यापार और राजनीति में बहुत दखल रहता है- लेकिन हिंदू समाज की रक्षक-भुजा दलितों के दर्द में ये पागधनी कितने शामिल होते हैं? 
जब कभी दलितों पर अन्याय हुआ, तो ये धर्म के अनुरागी महामंडलेश्वर, मठाधीश कहीं दिखते नहीं. इनके द्वारा सैकड़ों विद्यालय चलाये जा रहे हैं. ऐसा कोई विद्यालय दिखाएं, जिनमें अनुसूचित जाति के बच्चों को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए विशेष व्यवस्था की गयी हो. धर्मग्रंथों की मंत्रमुग्ध व्याख्या करने और तन्मय होकर कीर्तन करने से बात नहीं बनती, न ही धर्म बचता है. 
गंदे मंदिर, गंदे तीर्थस्थान, संस्कृति से दूर पंडितों द्वारा भक्तों को छलना, हर बड़े मंदिर के पंडितों का मुकदमेबाजी में फंसे रहना, गायों की रक्षा का पाखंड- हर गली-मुहल्ले में प्लास्टिक खाकर मरती गायें, घोटालों में डूबीं गोशालाओं में तड़प-तड़प कर मरती भूखी गायें, हिंदू अफसरों की रिश्वतखोरी के बल पर उत्तर से पूरब की ओर बांग्लादेश धकेली जाती गायें- इन सबका जिम्मेवार दलित है या अहंकारी सवर्ण? 
उत्तराखंड में इन सवर्णों की एकजुटता का सर्वदलीय आतंककारी स्वरूप मैंने स्वयं देखा है. वह दहशत भरा है. इन जैसे लोगों के कारण लाखों की संख्या में दलित हिंदू अन्य मजहबों में चले गये. 
मेरा स्वयं का अनेक वर्ष जनजातियों एवं अनुसूचित जातियों में कार्य का अनुभव है कि कोई दलित कभी धर्म परिवर्तन नहीं करना चाहता. केवल सवर्ण अहंकार और अपमान से प्रतिशोध का उसके पास यही एक मार्ग होता है. ओड़िशा में 'काला पहाड़' किसने बनाया था? सर मुहम्मद इकबाल के कश्मीरी पिता को हिंदू से मुसलमान क्यों होना पड़ा? 
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के साहसिक वक्तव्य ने हिंदू समाज को नकारात्मक आघातों से समय पर बचाया है. समाज को तोड़ने में ज्यादा श्रम नहीं लगता. मूर्खता या षड्यंत्र का एक ही काम पलीता लगा देता है. गाय और दलित के नाम पर समाज विघातक तत्वों के षड्यंत्र देश को तोड़ देंगे. नरेंद्र मोदी ने ऐसे तत्वों को कड़ी चेतावनी तो दी ही है, साथ ही दलितों को अपनी आत्मीयता का रक्षा-कवच भी दिया है.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The legend of our times- Pujya Pramukh Swami-a pride of Hindus world over,

Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj, passed away for his Vaikunth Lok at at the age of 95 on 13th August 2016 at Sarangpur. He was a great inspirer to millions of Hindus, presided a 900 iron order of highly educated ,  dedicated, brilliant and  spiritually motivated monks. More than 700 Hindu temples world over, including Akshardhams at Ahmedabad and New Delhi are witness to Pramukh Swami's great vision for Dharma and an eye for highest levels of art and cultural finesse . He inspired youth and in BAPS thousands of youth are involved in eradicating ill practices and addiction to drugs.
salutes to such a living legend who was amidst us, and I feel specially blessed as I always received his affection and love. He was like a father figure to us.
Our humble homage to him.  Reaching Sarangpur to pay my last pranams.
Pl visit this site for more details- Life message of Pramukh Swami Maharaj

The legend of our times- Pujya Pramukh Swami-a pride of Hindus world over,

Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj, passed away for his Vaikunth Lok at at the age of 95 on 13th August 2016 at Sarangpur. He was a great inspirer to millions of Hindus, presided a 900 iron order of highly educated ,  dedicated, brilliant and  spiritually motivated monks. More than 700 Hindu temples world over, including Akshardhams at Ahmedabad and New Delhi are witness to Pramukh Swami's great vision for Dharma and an eye for highest levels of art and cultural finesse . He inspired youth and in BAPS thousands of youth are involved in eradicating ill practices and addiction to drugs.
salutes to such a living legend who was amidst us, and I feel specially blessed as I always received his affection and love. He was like a father figure to us.
Our humble homage to him.  Reaching Sarangpur to pay my last pranams.
Pl visit this site for more details- Life message of Pramukh Swami Maharaj

The legend of our times- Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj--a pride of Hindus world over,

Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj, passed away for his Vaikunth Lok at at the age of 95 on 13th August 2016 at Sarangpur. He was a great inspirer to millions of Hindus, presided a 900 iron order of highly educated ,  dedicated, brilliant and  spiritually motivated monks. More than 700 Hindu temples world over, including Akshardhams at Ahmedabad and New Delhi are witness to Pramukh Swami's great vision for Dharma and an eye for highest levels of art and cultural finesse . He inspired youth and in BAPS thousands of youth are involved in eradicating ill practices and addiction to drugs.
salutes to such a living legend who was amidst us, and I feel specially blessed as I always received his affection and love. He was like a father figure to us.
Our humble homage to him.  Reaching Sarangpur to pay my last pranams.

The legend of our times- Pujya Pramukh Swami-a pride of Hindus world over,

Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj, passed away for his Vaikunth Lok at at the age of 95 on 13th August 2016 at Sarangpur. He was a great inspirer to millions of Hindus, presided a 900 iron order of highly educated ,  dedicated, brilliant and  spiritually motivated monks. More than 700 Hindu temples world over, including Akshardhams at Ahmedabad and New Delhi are witness to Pramukh Swami's great vision for Dharma and an eye for highest levels of art and cultural finesse . He inspired youth and in BAPS thousands of youth are involved in eradicating ill practices and addiction to drugs.
salutes to such a living legend who was amidst us, and I feel specially blessed as I always received his affection and love. He was like a father figure to us.
Our humble homage to him.  Reaching Sarangpur to pay my last pranams.

The legend of our times- Pujya Pramukh Swami-a pride of Hindus world over,

Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj, passed away for his Vaikunth Lok at at the age of 95 on 13th August 2016 at Sarangpur. He was a great inspirer to millions of Hindus, presided a 900 iron order of highly educated ,  dedicated, brilliant and  spiritually motivated monks. More than 700 Hindu temples world over, including Akshardhams at Ahmedabad and New Delhi are witness to Pramukh Swami's great vision for Dharma and an eye for highest levels of art and cultural finesse . He inspired youth and in BAPS thousands of youth are involved in eradicating ill practices and addiction to drugs.
salutes to such a living legend who was amidst us, and I feel specially blessed as I always received his affection and love. He was like a father figure to us.
Our humble homage to him.  Reaching Sarangpur to pay my last pranams.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Be proud of your scientists-DRDO – India’s victory force, making history in Parliament

DRDO – India’s victory force, making history in Parliament
August 4, 2016, 3:12 AM IST 

I was always critical of the DRDO, like the other less informed people and some media persons — calling it a ‘white elephant’ or a burden on India’s defence establishment, which never delivers on time and never convinces the forces. It was in March this year, when as a member of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence, I visited DRDO’s action fields and, with the other MPs, had a lengthy interaction with the scientists and officers of the establishment.

We saw their labs and heard how in difficult circumstances and despite lethal Budget cuts they have performed brilliantly. Their achievements have surprised the developed world. DRDO’s excellent record in manufacturing, improvising and equipping all the three wings of our forces has been exemplary. Yet, due to reasons, that either our so-called defence expert media persons remain ill-informed about or the foreign lobbyists work overtime to create an embarrassingly low opinion about our own scientists, the DRDO was never considered for appreciation or praised for the efforts it made and the results it has shown.

Seeing the excellent performance and highly successful achievements of the DRDO, left me with a sense of guilt and regret. It was a moment of a revelation for us all, and immediately I proposed to the Raksha Mantri Shri Manohar Parrikar if he would consider holding an exhibition of the DRDO’s superb achievements at the Parliament House? The move would not just provide our lawmakers the opporutnity to see the developments of the DRDO, but also help attract positive attention of the media. It’s easy to deride our own scientists and make fun of their hardwork while praising whatever happens in the west. This attitude not only demoralises our forces, but it also adversely impacts India’s future defence plans. This as the planners and financiers to R&D feel less enthusiastic about increasing the budget allocations for the organisation. Eventually, India becomes more and more dependent on foreign purchases.

Fortunately, Manohar Parrikar took less than thirty seconds to okay the proposal and the files began moving. We tried to hold this exhibition in the last Budget session, but logistically it didnt work. When the exhibition finally opens on August 3, by Lok Sabha Speaker Smt Sumitra Mahajan, I feel it will be a glorious moment for the defence establishment, especially for the technologists and the scientists who have put in their best to strengthen India’s defence sinews.

Tejas, recently inducted into the Indian Air Force is one shining example. Its hundred per cent indigenously developed light-weight, multi-role single engine tactical fighter which can carry air to air, air to ground and anti-ship missiles. Its a wonder-bird of the Indian Air Force and the latest icon of pride, thanks to the DRDO.
PINAKA weapon system is another feather in the DRDO’s cap. Its a indigenously developed multi-barrel Rocket Launcher for twelve rockets in two pods that can be fired simultaneously. It’s one of the most lethal machines for the enemy, successfully developed and delivered.

The story of main battle tank Arjun mark II reads like an adventure novel. Too many hurdles, too many doubts finally resulted in the mark II, which today boasts of the state-of-the-art technology incorporated into it. To cite a few – it has many progressions, including 15 significant profile enhancements. It has a combat weight of 62 tonnes ( fully loaded and can move at 60 km/hour on road and 40 km/horu cross country with 1400 horsepower engine. With a smart rate of firepower 6 to 8 rounds per minute, its potency is boosted with missiles automatic target tracking and maximised penetration characteristics. Its equipped with advanced land navigation system and enhanced night vision capabilities. And every part and technology is Indian!!

DRDO touches the everyday life of a soldier and the citizen alike – from Leh berry to ready-to-eat chapatis, min battle tank to BRAHMOS and the Varunastra torpedo, that can destroy a submarine with a hit-range of 20km within deep waters.
Besides developing state-of-the-art radar systems for battlefield surveillance, 3D low-level light-weight radar, maritime patrol airborne radar, DRDO has developed and inducted Troop-Level radar for Akash weapon system which is the air defence system for the Indian army. It has the capability to perform extensive search, track multiple targets and missiles and to command and guide own multiple missiles concurrently.

Agni, Prithvi, Pinaka, missiles are the icons of our defence forces’ muscles and brains. And all credit for them goes to the DRDO. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Make in India’ is in fact getting flowered best in DRDO, thanks to Parrikar’s visionary support.

The DRDO prowess at show inside the Parliament is a historical event. It’s for the MPs to take full advantage of it and spread the message of Indian talent and scientific achievments, rising above the party lines. If they don’t see it, they will know less about India and will remain incapable to contribute to the defence preparedness of the nation.

It’s a must, a compulsory visit for, I would even say, anyone who is anywhere and is interested in indian future, he or she must take a ticket to Delhi, contact the local MP to enter Parliament House and see this fabulous show of India’s might before August 5, when the exhibition closes.